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Portland Players Summer Scene Study Showcase


Friday, September 1st at 7:30pm


$10 suggested donation



Join us Friday, September 1st at 7:30 pm and see what our Summer Scene Study participants having been working on!


The first in a series of educational programs presented by The Portland Players, The Summer Scene Study is a six-week scene study and community building program. Participants explored scenes for clarity of events, individual objectives and intentions, beats and moments. They dove into their character's behavior, choices, and emotional life. Exercises were used to help scene partners dive into a character’s physical and emotional life, increase concentration and cooperation, and open up the actor’s instrument and imagination. 


We are excited to see the culmination of  the participants' hard work! We hope that you'll join us!






Check back soon for info on upcoming educational programs at The Portland Players!

The Portland Players Theater  I  420 Cottage Road  I  South Portland, ME 04106 

  207.799.7337 I

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